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The Get-Started Guide
We’re here to save you time and facilitate independent learning.

Follow these four steps to get started.
First take one of our demo tests. This will enable you to experience the complete formative learning process.
- Complete the initial test (make sure you get some wrong so we can show you the full 3-step process).
- View the questions you got wrong and their explanations, then try the similar practice questions.
- Complete the retest (again make sure you get some wrong so we can show you our reports).
- The process ends with your report which shows the type of questions the pupil is still struggling with.
Next Register as a Tutoring Centre using your email address.
Once registered you can purchase your product in the shop or call us to order and pay by invoice.
Finally create your unique pupil accounts so your students can start learning.
This is how tutor centres are using our cutting-edge learning system.
1. With their tutor, pupils log on to:
- Complete a short demo test across English, Maths, VR or NVR
- Get a taste of all the stages of the Planet BOFA platform
2. Automatic marking returns:
- Simple explanations paired with any incorrect answers
- Tailored practice questions around these weaker areas, which the pupils complete
3. Pupils now take the bespoke ‘retest’ in the same subject:
- It has a laser focus on the areas already identified for development
4. Here is the instant report, presenting:
- Questions they didn’t get right, with answers and explanations, organised into topics
Good to know: The administrator, tutor and parent receive the instant report by email, with the score and time spent (unless they’ve been opted out of notifications).
Tutors set:
The first full-length test. Pupils complete only the initial part at home. The ensuing practice questions are done in the classroom during lesson 2.
1. Tutors go through the tailored practice questions that have been produced from the full-length test done as homework.
2. They also go over the initial questions from that test that were answered incorrectly.
Tutors set:
1. The retest from Lesson 2 (thereby finishing that test cycle).
2. A new full-length test, probably in a new subject. Pupils complete only the initial part at home. The ensuing practice questions are done in the classroom, where the tailored-practice-plus-bespoke retest cycle will begin again.
A report is emailed when each retest is complete. It signals the end of each individual test circuit.
Report data can be viewed individually or across a cohort, and exported in a click. It’s organised into topics to make a ‘pot of gold’ for tutors – a brilliant resource that enables super-efficient teaching of the weaker areas in class.
Pupils are keen to do Planet BOFA homework because it’s fun. Direct them to wait 2-7 days before starting the retest or they’ll be demonstrating short-term memory rather than long term learning.
Below are some useful video tutorials to help you get started.