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The London 11+ Consortium exam



The London 11+ Consortium is a group of 14 independent girl's schools in North London that manage their admissions process collectively in order to reduce the number of assessments sat by pupils.

If you are looking for information about grammar schools within London Boroughs using the 11 plus (11+) please use this link to transfer to our London Boroughs 11+ page. Otherwise continue reading for information about the girls' London 11+ Consortium.

The London 11+ Consortium is one of several setups across the UK. The intention of these consortiums with regards to entrance exams is to try and reduce the number of exams that children must sit, whilst providing a better tool of assessment to elicit the information which can match pupils to schools best fitting their profile.

Pupils may through the period of their Year 6 sit in the order of between 8 and 14 entrance exams for different schools, particularly if they live in London. All these exams would be slightly different but would test the same subjects and topics. In this scenario, what consortiums such as the London 11+ Consortium are trying to do is cut down how many exams pupils are taking, by sharing the results of one test between all the schools.

This means that rather than sitting exams every Saturday for between 8 and 10 weeks, pupils will only take one or two exams depending on which schools they have applied to.

Recognising the strong correlation between cognitive ability scores and academic attainment, The London 11+ consortium have removed the requirement for candidates to sit lengthy examinations in English and mathematics, instead they now focus on three complimentary assessment approaches:

A bespoke test of 100 minutes (1 hour 40 minutes), with a 30 minute break in the middle. There are five distinct components taken in the following order

  • Maths - 20 minutes
  • Non-Verbal Reasoning - 10 minutes
  • English comprehension and Verbal Reasoning - 30 minutes
  • BREAK for 30 minutes
  • Problem solving - 15 minutes
  • Analysis component - 25 minutes

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Consortium Demo

A common reference form, which will require, amongst wider contextual information on attitudes and character, detailed commentary on the pupil's academic performance. Although not compulsory, it is hoped that this form will be widely used.

An imaginative interview experience. The interview experience will be individual to each senior school. It will explore the creativity, skills, aptitudes and intellectual acuity of the pupils. All the consortium schools wish to see pupils as they really are, so rehearsed answers may impede rather than help make a good impression on the interviewer.

From this new process the consortium is seeking to know the potential of each child, her level of academic attainment, and her ability to demonstrate the particular learning aptitudes believed to be vital to a modern and effective education in a technological world. The consortium is interested in assessing the child's aptitude for problem-solving, critical thinking, perseverance, creativity, originality, curiosity and collaboration.

Since 2022 the London 11+ Consortium exam has been an online assessment.

The BOFA online learning platform, using the bespoke 3 stage process to test, teach, and retest is used by many prep schools and tutoring centres to prepare pupils for the London 11+ Consortium exam. We have seen a large increase in the number of girls using BOFA to prepare themselves for this exam. BOFA11+ provides general support and preparation from Year 3 through to your child's 11+ exams. Children enjoy the independent learning that BOFA provides.

BOFA Consortium Mock Tests replicate the format and style of the Consortium exam, and have been proved successful for children practising time management as well as format and content.


To apply for a London 11+ Consortium school parents should request an application form directly from the individual school. A separate application must be completed for each of the schools that you wish to apply to. The individual schools to which you apply will send you any necessary information. Parents and pupils are strongly advised to attend Open Days at all the schools to which you apply When the parent registers their child, they will be asked to state the school at which the entrance test will be take. The school at which the child takes the test will have no bearing or influence on the assessment.

Registration closes in November of the year prior to entry. Exams take place in November or December with results announced in February.

Each school in the consortium will follow the same process. Schools will administer the cognitive reasoning test on one of three assessment days and will work to the same schedule when posting results and making offers. The test can only be taken once.


Familiarisation with different types of reasoning questions will undoubtedly help pupils complete questions quickly and accurately. BOFA11+ provides tests in Maths Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning, as well as Arithmetic, English Reading and Spelling. BOFA Consortium Mock Tests contain each of the five distinct component tests, including the problem solving and analysis components.

No practice papers will be available for the exam.

Pupils with specific learning needs who have been assessed by a professional and identified with a learning difficulty may have 25% extra time.

To find out more about BOFA go to our How it works page.

For more information about the London 11+ Consortium schools take a look at our London 11+ Consortium schools page!

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